

What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?

Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?

If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?

In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

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  1. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think it's very good because we export a lot of things to US because one part of the economy of Mexico it depends of the exports to US, and this generate jobs and enter of dollars or money to Mexico.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    I think that both, positive because Mexico depends a lot of the exports to US and negative because to import it has been a problem because things that US exports for Mexico is a problem because the sell is cheaper than the things we sell in Mexico, there are more expensive and that is a big problem because Mexico don´t get a lot of money of the things he do in his country.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    To try to be steady with exports and imports like one to one, to have a balance, the things they export like for example avocado you also import the avocado, because I read that US exports to Mexico avocado and Mexico didn´t because they said it was contaminated, so a balance will be great.
    and to let in the transport equipment of Mexico to US.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    The honesty in the sell of the products, certificates, guaranteed and the confidence between the two countries, and to have a balance.
    I think that US is very important for Mexico because we need him for almost at all.
    michelle peña 6050

  2. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    -> Well, I think that the relationship we have with the U.S. is so strong that, that's why we are where we are now. Our relationship with America is strong because we export so many things like oil, fruits and vegetables, wood, and many more things. So I think that it is good to have this relationship.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    -> Well I think it has been both negative and positive. In the negative side is that we're so attached to them, which detach from them is not so easy and that's why we had to agree to things that we don't want to, because we can say that our economy depends largely on them, but also because of what we export our economy was growing slowly until today.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    -> To be careful with all the deals he did, and to think a lot of the priorities and benefits of Mexico, exporting the things that will helo increase the economy here, and to do something with the petrolum because we export it and then U.S export it to us, so I will say to him to think first on the welfare of the country

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    -> The relationship they have on the import-export thing, and also the respect for both countries, because our economy depends a lot on them and all our products help them a lot, so there we can find a balance between both countries.


  3. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    IN MY OPINION the relationship between this countries is the the U.S is like the big tough guy who gives protection to minors (Mexico) for money.
    In other words, the Mexico-US relationship is necessary for the benefit of
    both Mexico gives U.S. raw materials and US provides support and protection to Mexico

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?}
    both in the negative side U.S. refusal to leave Mexico to grow as a powerful country exploding in raw materials (not the only reason why Mexico does not grow).
    on the positive side is an q both benefited in some ways such as NAFTA, security and so on.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    nothing because, I don´t know of politics and could not give any advice without foundations

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    in the security (the fight against drug trafficking) and trade (NAFTA)

    Adina Cherem 6060

  4. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S. Government?
    I think the relationships are getting better after six years of one of the worst times for Mexico´s relationships with other countries. I think although we do have a strong relationship with the U.S. I think it´s not what it used to be.

    Has it been positive in any aspect of our country? Negative? Why?
    Positive because our economy is involved also worldwide because of the closeness with U.S. it is negative because as recently shown our economy depends on theirs and we are bounded to their fate.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recomend?
    Use the treaties we have with them and use them to our benefit, and even more important: Debate according to the nation´s needs not only theirs but for the common wealth

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    Us being neighbors with a very powerful and rich country and using that to our advantage and find a balance between their needs and our needs, by using the treaties we got with them to help ourselves and later retribute such help
    Mauro Tobías 6060

  5. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think the dealins are to weak and the have lack of foundation.
    I really believe Mexican government is scared to ask for more.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?

    I think its between both, I consider the relationshio as "tolerant" because Mexico hasn´t won that much with the dealings

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?

    I would recommend him to propose an agreement of free trade with lower duties, also inmigration laws and job offers.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    I think the generation of jobs although if the job offers improve it would help the economy

    Leslie Lozano, 6050

  6. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the US-Government?
    A: In my personal opinion, I think it's good... but not great. Yes, we export lots of things and they help us; but that's it. They still treat us like their backyard and mexicans living in the US can't expect much for their lives. Even though it's not a direct offense to the country, I think we should take that into consideration the next time we say we have a good relationship.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for your country? Negative? Why?
    A:I should say both. It's been positive because, like I'd said before, our economy is being kind of impelled by them. But at the same time it's negative because it disencourages other countries to work and deal with us because let's just say they don't like them very much.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    A: Honestly, I wouldn't know what to recommend.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    A: Equality between people, respect, and security. As yoy may have noticed, my approach to this subject is more humanitary than political.

    Valeria G. Pourroy 6060

  7. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S?
    I think the relationship is growing, after it was almost shattered by the last Mexican president. Since Obama was elected president, he has visited the country several times, that shows a lot of care by him about Mexico. He's the only president that, in less than a year on the power, has visited our country that number of times.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    Well, in the negative point of view, being a neighbour to them stops our economical development, on the other hand, it brings us a kind of protection and, our economy has entered the global market, to form part of the building global community.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    First of all, to demand the fulfilment of all the points the FCT states -Such as free transit, why do they ask us for a Visa in the treaty says they shouldn't-
    Then, to propose actions that help Mexico grown, instead of just looking for USA's Profit.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    As I stated above, being a neighbour is quite important, then, the fact that nowadays the language is not a problem, as each day the rate of English speaker raises.

    Javier Villaseñor 6060

  8. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    It’s good but at the same time is bad because our economy depends on the exports & imports we have with US so this generate more money but it isn’t great because even we are like a great help for them they still seeing us bad

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    Both, we are generating money but negative because, yes, we’re generating money but not the way we like it is just the way they[US] like.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    To try to put rules and try to make Mexico more efficient, not depending on others, also to take care about the imports & exports of Mexico with other countries.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    The exportations because if we don’t export anymore, then they will be in troubles, for example petroleum, what do they do without it? Maybe they would buy with another country but that’s not good for them cause with us is cheaper.
    Paulina Velasco 6050

  9. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?

    Mexico has a better relationship with more countries now a days than we use to have years ago, and I think we are getting closer to US.
    I think our good relationship with US has to do with the fact that we are neighbors, so that makes things easier with the imports and exports.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?

    Both, positive because our economy gets on the global market, and at the same time negative because they don’t allowed us to keep on growing, and our economy depends to much on them.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?

    To have more treaties, to use them to benefit both nations, so they stop thinking just on their people, so it is even.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    The exports and imports are really important for the need of both countries, and also we have the advantage of been their neighbors, so that gives us a lot of opportunities.

    aileen chiñas 6040

  10. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the US-Government?
    I think we have a good relation but I think our relation could be better. Mexico is the best trading partner of the United States. But from what happened on September 11 has deteriorated the relationship and the US Government has given priority to terrorists and not to other thinks in relation with Mexico. I think we have a good relation with them because we are neighbors and its easier to export and import.
    And they help Mexico a lot but they can do more.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    Both. Negative because we depend on them and if they have cough we have pneumonia.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I don't know maybe to do more things more treaties.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    Imports and exports. And remittances that are sent us to Mexico.

    Marianne Valencia 6040

  11. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think Mexico has done well lately in this matter. Both U.S Government and Mexican have enhanced this in spite the last presidents didn’t do much in favor. But to be honest I believe the U.S. Government is not very interested in Mexico’s development, they just care on how it will affect their own country. This may lead to agreements or meetings that promise the improvement of some situations, but the truth is their main goal is not the welfare of Mexico. Though this treaties may sometimes sound appealing to the Mexican Government, I believe we should be focusing more in long term projects and solutions that will truly make improvements for both parts.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    It has been both. As I mentioned before, the treaties we come to are appealing for a reason. Say for example commercial agreements; Mexico exports more than 85% of products to the U.S so without the NAFTA, Mexico wouldn’t have this percent covered. In the other hand, being so linked to the U.S. gives us trouble in situations such as the crisis we are currently living. If the U.S. has economical trouble Mexico will sure be in the same.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    To promote the creation of agreements that will look for the interest of both parts in equal ways. Maybe getting together to become a strong block will allow us all to be part of the competitive world we live in.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    The trade. Without them buying we’ve got almost nothing. This, in my opinion is a wrong strategy, but as it is, we should try to take the most advantage from it. In the other hand, for the US Government, the Mexican population is increasing everyday so in order to count with their support, they must at least appear to be interested in Mexico’s matters.







  13. 1.What do you think of the Mexican government relationship and dealings with the U.S government?
    I think that we have a very healthy comercial relationship, due to the exchange of business, that means more imports and exports for both countries. The dealings are of a lot of respect from both coutries due to the interests that are created from both sides, to help each other as nations againts drug trafficking.

    2.Has it been positive in any aspect for our coutry? negative why?
    I think that in a way it has been a little bit of both, positive becuase of the free trade agreement, beaucse Mexico needs to export good, specialy petrol, and negatively, becuase we are not treated equally, and we dont have the ability to compete with their prices.

    3.If you were able to advise president Calderon in dealaing with the US, what would you recomend?
    I would recomend him to talk with the embassadors and congress men of the US, about the migratory policy of the US towards Mexican people living in the US, so they can have more guarantees.

    4.In your opinion what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    I think that the most important aspect is the international poiltics, becuase it allows us to help each other out in national securtity and the exchange of comercial goods.

    Tulio Bado 6010

  14. *What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the US-Government?

    In my opinion, i think that we have a good relation with the US , but now a days it could be better because first mexico is next to them and its more easier to import and export. US doesnt think about our economy, they need it. they pay more attention to others countries as china, but the first country that US export is mexico so they have to think more of us and start to have more dealings.

    *Has it been positive in any aspect for your country? Negative? Why?

    maybe i should say both, first its been positive ´cause with some economic dealings our economy and social level is being to increase in some cases. but at the same time its been negative beacuse we depend to their economy and been neighbours stops our economical development.

    *If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?

    to keep his eyes openn , to be careful with all the dealings that he do it , he need to take care of us he need to take the best choice for our conty , like do something with the petrol that we have in our land, not at the way we have done for many many years ( mexico exported to US and they exported to us), and export the things that we produced a lot, so mayne our economy can increase.

    *In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    we are neighbours with the most powerfull country , US have to make a balance with mexico, helping with dealings, with security or making more jobs to our people


  15. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think that U.S government has really big advantages over Mexico in most aspects that have to do with decision making, It is hard for most of Mexican citizens to understand that as a country we have no control over U.S knowing that they do have control over us, and over most of Latin American countries.
    As it is expected, no country in the whole world will look after us but ourselves, that’s why most of the decisions that the U.S government makes for us, do not benefit us.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    I Don’t think it is possible to know that, there are several things that may have been better without the U.S government getting involved, but at the same time I don’t doubt that we have had many important benefit from our Neighbors .

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I would recommend keeping good relation with this country, and personally I would like my country to stop expecting help from the U.S and plan our problem solving with our own profits.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    I think that the export and import between our countries is a very important aspect that we should not forget, as well as the immigrations problems we know is a very big issue we have been facing for the last years.

    Regina Dupont 6050

  16. 1. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think there is a good relationship between the two governments but sometimes they disagree in some topics like inmigration or drugs and weapons trafficking. Because each of the governments have different interests especially in this two matters. But apart from that I think Mexican and Us governments are very cordial and have a good neighbor relationship. Eventhough sometimes US government wants to take control of some desicions of the Mexican government especially in international organizations. Like UN, OMC, etc.

    2. Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    It has been negative in the way that many countries see Mexico as the country that is always in favor of the US and that the opinion of the Mexican government is manage be the US government when they need us. An it has been also positive to Mexico because it gives our country an important role as the leader in Latin America due to the importance of our relationships with the US.

    3. If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I will recommmend him to give the importance to the relationship we already have with the US but without forgetting about our relationships with the rest of the world. Because sometimes I think we are to dependant from the US and I also will recommend that he try to negociate an inmigration agreemente that will bring benefits for our country and to give the confidence to US investors so they can continue investing in our country.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    Definitely the most important aspect in this relationship is inmigration. Because is something that grow and grow and is really affecting both countries, Mexican inmigrants suffer of a lot of things to cross the border and when they are finally there the are discriminate and sometimes their rights are not repect. And the US is also affected with crime increase, overpopulation in some parts and the lack of jobs for US citizens because Mexican workers work for less money than US citizens. So as we can see this is a very huge problem.

  17. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?

    I think it´s not good enough because the dealings they have are not benefits for all the people in both countries.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?

    I think a little from both
    because some thing like trading in some ways has been positve, but the inmigration laws are not.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I eould recommend to visit more the US in orther to make a "presence" with the US government so they can take the policies more seriously

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    the fact that Mexico can export the products to them, Us gives US work.
    Pedro Trejo F. 6050

  18. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    that to Mexico is very important US goverment because is one of the principal comercial partner we have, in the other hand USA goverment since war with irak didn't pay attention to Mexico and the relationship that was one of the more important to the USA is not longer that important.
    also the relationship is so important because we are neighbors so many problem are share because of that like imigration, insecurity, militar stragies, tec.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    both because on one side USA is a developed and rich country so them help us to improve our economy with agreements of trade, that improve aour economy.
    also it is bad because as a developing country we tend to depend a lot of the USA goverment, and if the help us they have the right to partcipate so that can be advantage or disadvantage
    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    to restructure many politcs of economical trade, security, stability so USA goverment and companies would invest in Mexico an that will benefit both of us.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    the North American Free Trade Agreement that benefit countries, but i think Mexico have to improve the productivity of economy, competitivity and politcs in order to be a country that attract foreing investments

    Maricamen Silva Lucio

  19. 1. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think that Mexico has a good relationship with U.S. government but I`m totally sure that we still have lot more to do `cause eventhough we seem to have a kind relationship, Mexico still needs to see beyond that. We need to realize that we need to make U.S. consider opening their barriers in economy, inmigration and education issues. We need to make them notice that we can still succed because we keep letting them do whatever they want to and we can`t say no to them because we have in mind that "U.S" rules our lifes.

    2. Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    I am not sure about this answer because I totally think that U.S has helped us in lots of things like giving us oportunities of jobs and letting us enter with more business to the U.S.
    But I also think that the U.S. has always been a shadow to Mexico, because we can`t succeed if the U.S. is always getting his nouse in our problems, we are supossed to handle them alone.

    3.If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I would tell him that he should start looking at first to the main problem that we have in Mexico that its poberty and lack of education and try to deal something with the U.S. surrounding our main problem. I would tell him that he most hear the advices that the U.S. gives to him but obviously not all of them can be usefull for us because of our economy level. He should not try to be as the U.S. he should try to get the best of the U.S to help his country.

    5.In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    That when we both opened to our imports and exports this gave Mexico, lots of jobs and money. Also all the money that enter to Mexico from mexicans living there.
    Pamela Molina 6050

  20. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think the relationship is good because U.S. and Mexico are trade partners and we are neighbors so the problems that happen in Mexico affect U.S. and the problems that start in U.S. affect Mexico, when the horrible incident of the Twin Towers in New York happened U.S. stop paying attention to Mexico and started to put all of the attention in the war with Irak. Powel one time said that Mexico was the most important country for U.S.
    Of course Mexico and U.S. desagree in some ideas (migration) and interests. And sometimes I feel that U.S. wants to take control about some desicions in Mexico and I fell that we depend sometimes a little of U.S.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    Both because U.S. has helped us to develop and increase our economy, and this gives us a lot of new opportunities like jobs. But I think that we depend a lot of them and that sometimes the U.S. gorvenment wants to manipulate us, and we are leaving a lot of relationships with the rest of the countries, I think that sometimes U.S. is a little despecting with us and threaths us like inferiors. We will not progress by ourselves.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I would tell him to ask help from the U.S. for fighting to end with the drug trafficking and insecurity. In Mexico there's a lot of poberty and bad education, I think that U.S. has to do as the European Union does that helps the poorer contries but changing their reforms, and gives them money to invert in important things that the country lacks off but supervising that this money is used in good wyas for the progress of the country. I think Calderon should ask the government of the U.S. for some advices for improving all the aspects of our country.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    That U.S. has helped Mexico a lot as partener of trading because this gave Mexico a lot of new opportunities, and improved mexican economy a lot, and thaks to the North American Free Trade Agreement a lot of new doors opened for Mexico. But I think U.S. should help Mexico more and Mexico has to stop depending from U.S.

    Denisse Abarca 6040

  21. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    -In my opion the relationship is no quite good, I think the U.S government just does not take us seriously. The mexican government makes an effort to explain and get help from the U.S government so we get help in lost of problems we have, it has been suggested an alliance such as the one in europe but the U.S always avoids these option and makes excuses not to help Mexico. We do have dealings with the U.S but non of these have been good enough to help.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    -It hase both positive and negative aspects, positive in the way that indeed they do help ur economy since they buy a lot of our products, but in immigraion laws and all f these problems no.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    -Ithink he is doing a good job he has me with Obama more than Fox did, he is trying really hard to rebuild a good relationship with the U.S, and also asking for help o solve drug issue in Mexico. I just think he should continue to improve the relationship and keep remending the U.S government that we should work together so BOTH countries get benefits.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    -Export and imports, immigration issues and a balanced economy and deals that benefit North America.

    Mariana Baños Santos 6050

  22. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think sometimes is good sometimes its just neutral

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    well i think that both because in negative aspect, includes the immigration and other things, and in positive aspect, the free trade agreement and other things.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    To deal things that will really help our country, not because USA says that this will help, accept it, first see if it is really helping us.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    the free trade agreement

    Brenda Barrera 6010

  23. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think it's strange, because sometimes it seems like we have a good relationship with the U.S, but other times it can be like totally neutral... we respect each other, and that's it, it's like sometimes there can be like a "friendship", but other times there's no careness.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    well, I think both; negative because of the drug dealing, immigration, etc., and positive because of the bilateral commerce, inportation & exportation, etc.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I would tell him, to ask U.S for help to fight al the insecurity, and also we could somehow help them with theirs; trying to end with the drug dealing; trying to find a way to produce more jobs; etc.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    the ilegal immigration; because the labor hand is less expensive, and so they don't have to pay taxes, because they're ilegal; and the americans won't report them.

    Renata Zoebisch 6050

  24. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think the relationship is good because U.S. and Mexico are neighbors so their problems affect us too.
    Our economy depends a lot on them, and our products help them too, so we can have a balance.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    Both, cause it help us to increase our economy, and gives us some opportunities.
    But sadly U.S. gorvenment manipulate us a lot.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I would comment him to help us to end with the drug trafficking and insecurity & help us as the European Union does that helps the poorer contries.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    The immigration and I think that US is very important for Mexico because we need him for almost at all.


  25. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?

    I think Mexican and U.S Government have a good relationship, because they both need one from each other, and working together as neighboors, makes a very important factor for the growing of both countries.

    For example:
    Our principal economic activity comes from the extraction of oil, here in PEMEX, but unfortunately we don´t have the technology to transform this oil into, gas, plastics, etc. So we sell our oil to U.S, and then we buy it back all procesed with the needed tech, process which we are unable to do it.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?

    It has been both.

    Positive, thanks to our constant comerce exports and imports, which makes economy active and flowing. Importing products from U.S that we don´t produce here in our country, and selling them our prime matter for their own needs.

    Negative, because Mexico has got used to the sell of prime matter, because we don´t do anything to get the required technology, so we could use those resources for our own needs, instead of exporting them to other countries with high technologies and then buy them back all processed.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?

    To generate a deal with U.S to solve the ilegal migration problem, so mexicans could go looking for working opportunities in a legal form.

    Join forces to fight the drug dealing issue at the frontier

    Generate a deal in the oil matter, so Mexico could count with the needed technology for the processing of his own oil and transform it into gas and other products.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    To have a peaceful, honest and supporting relationship, not just for convinience, be equitative, so if one country needed the other´s help, that country would give it immediatly and without any interest.

    Héctor Gómez Martínez 6040

  26. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    i think that for mexico is a more important relationship than it is for the US, a big part of the mexican economy is represented by the exports we do to the US or the oil we sell them.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?

    negative- because the economy of mexico depends on the US economy and that causes big problems like the crisis.
    positive - because of all the priviligies that being his neighboor brings us, all the exports we do to the US.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?

    i will recommend him to create a plan with obama for the ilegal mexican that go to the US, for insecurity, drug & weapons & people traffic.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    both countries should take advantage of being neighboors, more Mexico, both should also be honest and support each other when neccesary because they never now when one country could need help form the other one, and bouth should find solutions with other countries for making america a better place.

    miguel guillen 6050

  27. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think the relationship between them is good but not good enough as it can be, the FTA for example is and important thing between de US and Mexico because that allows us to open markets and expand opportunities and our economy benefits from the dollars we receive, the problem is that the US is not intersted in helping Mexico’s situation, they just look for their own benefits.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    I would say both, positive because all the treated we have with them makes our economy grows and negative because we depend a lot from them, andi something affects them it affect us too.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I would tell him to improve the laws and policies that Mexico has with the US, improve the custom facilities and have a transparent rulemaking procedures.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    The FTA because that generate jobs, expands the market and incomes.

    Raisa 6040

  28. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think that we have to much relations with the US and we need to make relations with other countries because in every deal we've done with the US, Mexico seems to not get benefited, it seem like we are sacrificing for the sake of the US.
    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?

    I think it has been negative because we depend to much of the US, that is why the crisis affected us so badly, it didn’t affected so badly other countries like Colombia or Brazil because they trade with other countries and have relations with other countries not only with the US.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    I would recommend to create relations that benefit us more, to keep having relations with the US but look for other countries and create more relations, to open up Mexico to the world not only to US.
    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    The exports and imports because we trade almost everything with them, but we still need to be more independents, if we keep going this path Mexico is going to stay like this forever.

    Mario Remis 6040


    I think the relationship between the U.S and Mexico is growing, Obama has visited our country about 7 times, though Mexico has developed a huge dependence in the U.S government. Mexico most of the times, need the opinion of the U.S to make decisions and it seems that the U.S only supports us when they have benefits too.


    It has been both. Since we are their neighbors we export about the 80% products they need but at the same time it stops our economy. In the other hand, being so close it brings us problems too, for example the crisis that we are now living.


    To create some agreements that will help Mexico and the U.S equal, because only a few people are getting benefits from the dealings. I would also tell him to think and see what is best for our country and to stop letting the U.S country from being our “owners”.


    May be the trade, we depend on them, if we didn’t exported them all the things we do, we would be kind off lost. Basically our economy, government, political decisions, are controlled y them and that’s quite wrong.

    Sofía Hastings

  30. 1. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?

    Mexico and the US have always been very economically dependant of each other, specially Mexico. A very large percentage of our exports are done to the US. This is why their relationship has to be very close, but sometimes Mexico gets taken advantage of because of this.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?

    It's been positive for the most part. For example, the NAFTA was very good for Mexican economy, our exports increased substantially. The downside of it is that, as I said before, we are now very dependant on the American economy. Take the actual crisis as an example of it.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?

    I would probably tell him to have a very strong position everytime he meets any US representative, even if the matter in discussion is not as relevant as another one may be.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    The most important part of it would be getting the US's respect. By acknowledging that we are equally important to each other then treaties and agreements will be well balanced regarding benefits and disadvantages as well.

    Alejandro Díaz Loyola, 6040

  31. 1. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?
    I think that Mexico has a good relation with U.S because they are trade partners, but U.S doesn´t help enough to Mexico.
    Cornwell said there is no region more important to U.S than Latin America, because Mexico from the point of view of trade, drug trafficking, oil, ecology, has a lot to do with the United States. Another thing is that U.S sells more things to Latin American countries including Mexico than to the European Union, but since the incident of the twin towers US is not paying enough attention to Mexico and throughout Latin America in general.
    If U.S will help more to Mexico like de European Union, the income gap will be closed and the illegal immigration would not be a problem for U.S.

    2. Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?

    I think that it´s positive because U.S help us with some things, an example is the Free Trade Agreement that make Mexico succeed in the commercial field but it´s negative, because is not enough help for Mexico, and we depend a lot of them.
    China and India are becoming the world powers, so U.S has to extend their commercial agreements for maintaining their competitiveness, and it will have to combine the workforce of the poor countries with it´s technology.

    3. If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?
    To make more agreements that benefits both countries, thinking in the principal problems of Mexico that are poverty, I think that the first thing that Felipe Calderon has to do is making energetic and labor reforms so our country has responsible economic politics and U.S can helps us.

    4. In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    The Free Trade Agreements (exports and imports) with Mexico, but I think that Mexico had to make new politics to have more economic opening, attract more investments and to expand the free trade, but this relationship is controlled by the United States in all aspect like the culture, economy and government.

    *Anakaren Martinez Pinedo *6040

  32. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government? I think is a very good aliation with us, cause with us mexico can get out of the poor of people and can import export a lot of thing,for example us export the petroleum and its good because can help us .

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why? i think both because its depends cause the governments just search the good thing and not the bad things and when mexico its bad for any aspects, us didnt want to hear about us.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend? to generate a deal to solve the inmigration and end the drug trficking for all the worl, to generate more polices to punch the all the bad people.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?

    i think the import and export is the most important thing that we need to take care about it because if we lost us exportations and importations they are lost.
    Raul Galvan Ornelas 6040

  33. What do you think of the Mexican Government relationship and dealings with the U.S Government?.. I think that U.S its not helping Mexico economically speaking, but even that, I think that Mexico is a good trade country with U.S because we import and export a lot of products, but the real tru is that we export more than we import, but in general I think U.S and Mexico are in a good relationship, except that we are very different from them.

    Has it been positive in any aspect for our country? Negative? Why?
    I think that negative because U.S have the power to be such an importan country, but also positive because in a way or another they help us with the trade and in some comercial aspects, but U.S dont want to help us economically because they say that its just waste to give us money.

    If you were able to advise President Calderon in dealing with the US, what would you recommend?.. that he have to think very well before taking an importan decision, he needs to be conscious that U.S is a very powerful country, and he have to see for all the country, not just for the needs of himself and his convenience, he has to know that he need to grew up this country.

    In your opinion, what would be the most important aspect in the US-Mexico relationship?
    .. I think that the impor-export products because we depend alot of them, and if we have a serious problem with them we can be really affected, because they can easily ruined our country, and I think that for our convenience we need to have a good relationship with them. They also depend on Mexico because we export them a variety of products, first of all oil.


  34. DANAE,
    I definitely agree with your idea of having a "good relationship." It seems like it is so easy to make enemies with other countries, which can be very hindering when the countries depend on each other. It's really cool getting to see your opinion.

  35. Mario,
    I find your opinion very interesting and I do agree that countries should be less dependant on the U.S. because we are not so stable ourselves. However, the US is still the strongest nation in teh continent and sometimes you have to make friends with your neighbors.

  36. Mauro,
    I think that you have a very insightful opinion about Mexico and US relations. What do you think are the main reasons for our problems? Here in San Diego we hear a lot about problems that are taking place in Mexico. Do you see a lot of news reports about the issues also? Great job.

  37. I agree with Mario and Jay. Although the USA is a very good country, we are not perfect. I think our government needs to fix its problems before we go around trying to fix everyone elses.

  38. Sofia,
    I totally agree with your opinion about the issues between the US and Mexico. Do you think that Mexico would be a stronger world power if they didn't depend on the US so much? I think you have a much more positive opinion than most which is very cool. I look forward to a response soon.

  39. Valeria G. Pourroy

    I found your opinions to be honest. You didn't sugar coat the facts I found that refreshing in other words. and your english is good, you sound like you could be one of my classmates.

  40. To ALL,
    I agree, i think the relationship between the US and Mexico is growing, but sometimes the relationship is growing in a good way and sometimes in a bad. Being such close neighbors it is important that we move in the direction of making it a good one, and i think that hearing you and your classmates opinions is a good first step. I think it is important for people in the US to hear and try to understand your opinions and views on relationship with Mexico, and it is just as important for Mexico to do the same.

  41. It's definitely a double-sided issue. Being close neighbors, contact between the US and Mexico is inevitable and unavoidable. Due to certain problems, such as the drug trade and violence, there's often been some friction in relations and policy. However, it's a good thing that not all has been bad, as there is always much good to be met and talk over between the two countries.

  42. Maricamen,

    I agree with your opinion that the relationship between Mexico and the US is important because we do need to help each other. I also agree with your opinion that Mexico needs to improve its economy, so other US companies can invest with Mexico.

  43. Mario, I agree with what you are saying, the USA is by no means perfect, yet we are one of the biggest powers in the world.

  44. Hey Alejandro, you mentioned that Mexico sometimes gets taken advantage of, I was wondering if you could give me an example.

  45. Rodrigo. I agree with you that the the president of mexico, Calderon should consider asking the United States to help stop the drug trafficking and I think that the United States would be interested or at least San Diego would because of the drug control in San Diego, some probably does come from Mexico.

    Mariana Banos- I agree that the relations between the United States and Mexico are not the best and I would like to know more about what you mean when you say that the US does not want to help out.

  46. To all,
    I see your points and as a citizen of Mexico I know exactly where some of you are coming form. Mexico can't seem to build itself up because there is so much corruption in the government, and the people just want to get out of Mexico (Flee to the US). In order for Mexico to fix its self, it has to start with its government.

    I agree with you that Mexico needs to detach itself and rebuilt its government. They need to make the people feel like they are being treated fairly and humane. Without the support of the people a government will fall. If Mexico can detach itself from the US then the US will have a another strong ally like Canada.

  48. Raisa Maria,
    I agree with your statements about the US only supporting Mexico when we seek benefits but at the same time i think the US because we have more resources heavily supports Mexico even though we have abrasive tactics. Sometimes we're not welcome but I think overall it's beneficial for both the US and Mexico to work cohesively together to reach our combined goals.
